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Kidney makes a great treat for your doggy --  slice it thin and dry it in the food dehydrator for an amazing treat! Our processor sometimes also gives us the spleen back, even though we never ask for it; it's about the same size and texture as kidney, so we list it here, too.


Organs, Kidney

PriceFrom $2.50
  • All of our meat is raised on pasture, fed a low-GMO, low corn, low soy base diet, and forages on pasture. Our butcher vac seals and then flash freezes our cuts.


32725 Sibley Road Romulus MI United States 48174

Drop In Hours: Friday 2PM-6PM, Saturday 10AM-4 PM, Sunday 12PM-4PM; by appointment only at all other times


Closed on Mondays, on days we are dropping off animals or picking up meat from the processor, and on days when the farm owners have to work from the office for our real jobs. 

UPCOMING CLOSURES: Tuesday 11/19 through Thursday 11/21 (Kim out of town for work), Wednesday December 11 (lambs to butcher)



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+1 734 992 7369

(We don't answer calls during the week when we are at work -- please leave a message and we will call you back!)


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